Consumer Centric Solutions Innovation Services
1. Ideation & Prototyping Facilitation - specializes in a need based approach.
Begins with planning …
Clearly defining the desired role of the new product?
Opportunity space as initially understood - categories gaps, extensions, white space
Competitive insulation
Brand equity and internal constraints
Financial goals/hurtles
Then defines the consumer/customer target ... segments (uses existing ones if available)
What consumers/customers have a clear channel voice with respect to the opportunity space?
Then calls for an understanding of consumer need structure ... need states (uses existing ones if available)
What are the relevant Need States - what opportunities are there to fulfill unmet consumer needs?
Uses techniques to infuse innovation in Marketing initiatives
Enriched qualitative techniques
Concept Prototyping
CCS can also provide consultation/facilitation in systemizing innovation programs - e.g. stage gates.
Concept testing systems
Fast Tracking Steps
Pipeline management
Platform Developement
Begins with planning …
Clearly defining the desired role of the new product?
Opportunity space as initially understood - categories gaps, extensions, white space
Competitive insulation
Brand equity and internal constraints
Financial goals/hurtles
Then defines the consumer/customer target ... segments (uses existing ones if available)
What consumers/customers have a clear channel voice with respect to the opportunity space?
Then calls for an understanding of consumer need structure ... need states (uses existing ones if available)
What are the relevant Need States - what opportunities are there to fulfill unmet consumer needs?
Uses techniques to infuse innovation in Marketing initiatives
Enriched qualitative techniques
Concept Prototyping
CCS can also provide consultation/facilitation in systemizing innovation programs - e.g. stage gates.
Concept testing systems
Fast Tracking Steps
Pipeline management
Platform Developement
2. "Mind Genomics" Optimizes Messaging - What to say to whom, and how it will effect them and
A Joint Venture between Moskowitz Jacobs and Consumer Centric Solutions
Mind Genomics is an Integration of traditional and non-traditional Marketing
Research. Steps typically include:
Segmentation– Target identification (Existing segmentation studies or target definitions can be used.)
Generating messages - Deeply introspective qualitative exploration
Mind Genomics model building - Scientifically optimization modeling
Research. Steps typically include:
Segmentation– Target identification (Existing segmentation studies or target definitions can be used.)
Generating messages - Deeply introspective qualitative exploration
Mind Genomics model building - Scientifically optimization modeling
Result – A comprehensive messaging model
Provides a full set of metrics for all messaging elements
Identifies the messaging element(s) that have the largest impact by target and across targets.
– who is motivated, unaffected or de-motivated.
Shows the net effects of each messaging element within and across targets
Provides a full set of metrics for all messaging elements
Identifies the messaging element(s) that have the largest impact by target and across targets.
– who is motivated, unaffected or de-motivated.
Shows the net effects of each messaging element within and across targets
... That has demonstrated a dramatic impact on business growth
Actual Business Cases:
Trupanion: Doubled revenue in first 10 months and each 10 month period thereafter!
NYC VW Dealership: Doubled rate of closed sales per customer – 20% to 40%!
American Heart Association: Increased donations 42%
Trupanion: Doubled revenue in first 10 months and each 10 month period thereafter!
NYC VW Dealership: Doubled rate of closed sales per customer – 20% to 40%!
American Heart Association: Increased donations 42%